Electricity Generation Re-Started at Glendoe Hydro Electric Scheme
OREANDA-NEWS. September 5, 2012. Generation at the 100MW Glendoe hydro electric scheme near Loch Ness, owned and operated by SSE plc, has re-started, with around 3GWh (gigawatt hours) of electricity already being produced and exported to the transmission network.
This follows the completion of the work undertaken at Glendoe to restore power following its interruption in August 2009 as a result of a rock fall in the tunnel carrying water from the scheme reservoir to the power station.
Glendoe’s main operational feature is that it is able to start generating electricity at full capacity in just 90 seconds and can therefore help to meet changes in demand. In a year of average rainfall, its output should be around 180GWh of electricity.
Paul Smith, Managing Director, Generation, at SSE said:
“The work to restore electricity generation at Glendoe has been undertaken in a very rigorous way to make sure that this strategic asset meets its original design criteria and is ready to play its full part in supporting the country’s electricity system for many decades to come.
“We will continue to monitor closely the performance of Glendoe to make sure that the reconstruction work has been fully successful, ensuring sustainable generation at the site, similar to that achieved at our other schemes such as Sloy on Loch Lomond which is still generating power more than 60 years after being commissioned.”