Rakurs Obtained Omron Electronics Certificates
OREANDA-NEWS. September 3, 2012. SPC “Rakurs” and “Rakurs-engineering” have obtained Omron Electronics certificates confirming the status of Competence centre in Russia in energy sector. Being traditional for SPC “Rakurs” obtaining of such a certificate is the first time for Rakurs-engineering, the Group innovation centre and Neudorf SEZ resident. The second certificate issued to Rakurs-engineering confirms the status of Omron Electronics engineering partner.
Issued certificate being evidence of successful cooperation gives impact for further development of business relationships between partner companies.
For the first time SPC Rakurs was honoured with Omron Electronics Engineering partner status more than 18 years ago. Gained experience allows designing of highly professional automated control systems for various industrial sectors, partners’ certificates and customers’ letters of thanks being evidence of it.
According to Rakurs Group’s General Manager Leonid Chernigov that is integration of import element base of high quality, reliability and wide functional possibilities together with Russian engineering to be the Company’s “Know how” determining value of its projects.
Rakurs-engineering being a part of Rakurs Group performs its activity in the territory of Neudorf Special Economic Zone in St. Petersburg realizing the project “Designing and adoption of software and hardware complexes pilot production for objects of energy sector of Russia”.
Rakurs-engineering have been established by SPC Rakurs with the aim of keeping to the innovative way of development, research and development and innovative products manufacturing in Rakurs Group target markets – hydro-, heat- and nuclear energy sector.
During the project’s realization in Neudorf there will be arranged production of innovative products designed for using in Russia’s Energy sector:
· PTC of electrohydraulic regulator (EHR)
· PTC of group governor of active and reactive power of hydro power plant (GRARM)
· Units composition effective control sub-system
· Turbo- and hydrogenerator control system (STK-ER)
Electric part of regulating and protecting system for steam turbine