SPb AEP Conducted BN-800 Safety Analysis
OREANDA-NEWS. August 29, 2012. Specialists of St. Petersburg Atomenergoproekt conducted an integrated safety analysis of the power unit under construction.
The analysis results have demonstrated that the BN-800 site is not susceptible to flooding under wind surge and wave setup from Beloyarsk Water Reservoir. Seiche and tsunami are not typical of the water reservoir, therefore, they pose no hazard. It has been also confirmed that the plant project provides for sufficient protection against wind, tornado, extreme snowfalls and snow cover, glaze, extreme air temperatures, snow avalanches and floods, extreme atmospheric precipitation, tides, ice gorge and jams in water flows.
A seismic analysis of the reactor installation has demonstrated that all equipment retains workability under a safe shutdown earthquake of intensity 7. Fires of I and II severity degree outside the BN-800 site also will not entail emergencies at NPP.
The project provides sufficient safety systems for cases of the unit blackout accompanied by failure of all reactivity controls, so evacuation of the population will not be required. With this, the plant personnel have a sufficient time margin to manage a potential accident to rule out its adverse consequences.
However, the designers provided the construction customer – Rosenergoatom – safety improvement recommendations, including the use of mobile diesel generators of different capacity.
This year specialists of SPb AEP also conducted a safety analysis of Leningrad NPP II and Baltic NPP, which are built to projects developed by the institute. In 2011 a similar work was done on operating plants: Kola, Kursk and Beloyarsk NPPs.