Interpipe NTRP Passes Audit of Association of American Railroads
OREANDA-NEWS. August 28, 2012. Interpipe NTRP, producer of railway wheels under the KLW brand, has passed the recertification audit of the Association of American Railroads (AAR) on the correspondence of its Quality management system to the AAR M-1003 standard. Interpipe NTRP first received certification detailing the correspondence of its production to the demands of AAR M-1003 in June 2000.
During the audit representatives of AAR visited the wheel rolling mill, the site of the automatic control line and the delivery line of export products. Auditors reviewed internal documentation proving the correspondence of production to the AAR M-1003 standard. The representatives of AAR also checked the functioning of the twenty-two elements of the quality management system, among them – supervision responsibility, in-process control, project process, documentation management and improving programmes on quality assurance.
Michael Iskov, Director for Railway Wheel Sales at Interpipe said: ‘Thanks to constant work on the improvement of the quality management system, Interpipe NTRP has met the AAR M-1003 standard. Currently, Interpipe’s NTRP specialists work on the implementation of the business management system in accordance with the demands of the international standards of the railway industry – IRIS. The implementation of IRIS demands will foster the improvement of quality standards at all levels of the supply chain.’