Ukrsotsbank Took Leading Position in Banking Ranking on Brand Value
OREANDA-NEWS. August 28, 2012. PJSC "Ukrsotsbank”, UniCredit Bank™, won 4th place in the rating of banks’ brand value according to a study conducted by "GVardiya. Rating of brands” edition. Brand value of PJSC "Ukrsotsbank", UniCredit Bank™ was evaluated at UAH 8.5 mln.
In 2012, the rating of corporate brands was composed in a way to show the real picture of the mutual influence of the financial results of the company and the value of its corporate brand within the period of the economic crisis of the country. Just like before, in 2012 only those companies took part in the ranking that responded to the request of "GVardiya" and the companies with information available for the calculations. International brands were evaluated solely on the basis of the presence on the Ukrainian market.
Brand value is the litmus test, reacting at financial problems and the company’s dynamics. Thus, the results showed that the economic effect of corporate branding had only those companies that do not simply adrift consumer demand, but make investment and innovation efforts.
"Our vision of the position in the ranking in positive. After all we run around two brands of state banks (Ukreximbank and OshadBank) and the leading Ukrainian - Privatbank. Recent rebranding of Ukrsotsbank™ to UniCredit Bank™, as well as such prominent projects as UEFA Champions League Trophy Tour and UEFA EURO 2012 national sponsorship contributed to the consolidation of a new international banking brand on the market," - commented Anna Sliusarenko, Head of IC of PJSC "Ukrsotsbank", UniCredit Bank™.
It should be noted that 27 banking brands were evaluated for more than USD 1 billion out of thirty banking brands represented in the rating. These facts indicate a stabilization of the banking system and return of trust to it after crisis.