Ukrainian Banks Are Ready to Create System of Electronic Payments
OREANDA-NEWS. August 27, 2012. The leading Ukrainian banks are ready to work on creation of a national system of electronic payments, as the Chairman of the Board of PrivatBank, Alexander Dubilet reported in the interview for the "Evening Kiev" newspaper.
In his opinion, if tariff policy of the leading international payment systems doesn’t take into consideration interests of Ukrainian banks in future, it will stimulate an active development of a national payment system. Taking into account the experience accumulated by Ukrainian banks and application of advanced technologies, this system might become much more widespread and effective than existing NMEPS (National mass electronic payment system - Ed.). According to Mr.Dubilet, it is important to heed the mistakes made during creation of NMEPS and avoid unreasonable expenditures while launching the national payment system.
"If the NBU entrusts us as leaders of the card payments market together with our colleagues to create a national payment system based on a business-initiative without utilization of public funds, we will take part in this work with pleasure. What there had been with the NMEPS was not clear enough, was not very productive and, to be honest, not very efficient in terms of costs, "- Mr.Dubilet noted.
"The system built on business principles would become quite effective and transparent. Of course, only if this system would be created with the participation of the regulator - National Bank (and not only for the purpose of control function) on the one hand and on business initiative of commercial banks on the other hand", - said Alexander Dubilet.