OREANDA-NEWS. August 23, 2012. Specialists of IDGC of Centre took part in the IX International Specialized Exhibition “Modern City. Energy. Resource conservation. Environment”, held in early August in Belgorod, in the exhibition and congress center “Belexpocentre”, and presented an interactive exhibition on modern methods of electricity saving.
The Annual exhibition “Modern City. Energy. Resource conservation. Environment” is traditionally a marked and significant event, not only of the Belgorod region, but for the entire Central Region. This year it was attended by 253 companies, representing 26 regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The organizers of such a major event was the Department of Construction, Transport and Housing, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Belgorod Region and Belgorod Chamber of Commerce. Main objective of the forum — to promote the expansion of trade and economic relations between countries, to demonstrate innovations in the field of energy and resource saving. Belgorodenergo presented the work of IDGC of Centre in the field of energy conservation.
“A feature of this exhibition is that we do not invite companies to it, demonstrating traditional goods and services. Selection is made on the mandatory criteria of novelty, innovations and developments”, — said at the opening Head of the Department of Construction, Transport and Housing of the Belgorod region Nikolay Kalashnikov.
The company’s specialists in an interactive form presented their experience in the field of energy saving. With an I-Pad, computer and large television panel visitors could get acquainted with modern energy-saving technologies: meters, lighting lamps, heating devices, special equipment, as well as to have a virtual 3D-tour of the Energy Efficiency Center, opened last year in the premises of the Customer Service Center of Belgorodenergo. In an accessible and understandable form visitors are presented here with a wide range of information about how to save electric energy.
According to experts, the exhibition was conceived as training. “We wanted to tell people that energy efficiency — it is simple, affordable, and most importantly — we and consumers need it. However, visitors of the exhibition showed us that they knew the ways of energy saving by themselves. The toda’s consumer wants more from us — some competent expert assessment and comparative analysis of the technology market”. With this in mind, power engineers of IDGC of Centre have already reviewed various lighting sources.
At the end of the exhibition “Modern City. Energy. Resource conservation. Environment” the exposition of Belgorodenergo was awarded the Medal of Belgorod Chamber of Commerce in the nomination “Energy-saving technologies, equipment and materials”. Honorary award was presented to the employees by First Deputy Head of the Department of Construction, Transport and Housing Anatoly Davydenko.