Walmart de Mexico Foundation Will Provide Training for Mexican Women
OREANDA-NEWS. August 16, 2012. The Walmart de Mexico Foundation announced their initiative, Women Can Rely on Us, which will provide training courses for 25,000 women wishing to create their own business, improve existing businesses, receive their secondary education with a technical degree or attend a technological university.
The Walmart de Mexico Foundation is partnering in the project with World Vision
“Each day we hear of cases of women, many of them single mothers, who want to set up their own business or improve their existing business, but don’t know how to go about it. Women Can Rely on Us aims to help 25,000 women so they can have the necessary tools to increase their income, improve their quality of life and guarantee food on the table; which is one of the primary objectives of the Walmart de Mexico Foundation. We are proud to partner in this project with organizations such as Vision Mundial Mexico, Becalos, ProEmpleo and Acir Foundation, who share our desire to help thousands of women improve their situation in life,” stated Antonio Ocaranza, Director de Corporate Communication for Walmart de Mexico y Centroamerica.
Women Can Rely on Us includes several programs. The broadest program provides 24,438 training courses to be offered nationwide by World Vision
Finally, the Acir Foundation will also donate air time to invite women to participate and discuss subjects of interest to them such as entrepreneurship, training, personal growth, and gender equality, among others.
Those women wishing to apply for these programs may request an application number from Customer Service in any Bodega Aurrera, Bodega Aurrera Express, Superama or Walmart unit, nationwide. The registration process is then completed by phone: 01-800-366-2232, or via internet:
The results for the 25,000 women who meet the requirements and are selected will be published as of September 17th.
According to data from INEGI – the Mexican Institute of Statistics and Geography- during the first quarter of 2012, 880,000 economically active women were unemployed, and 30.4 percent of women who work are part of the informal sector. With the help of this program, the Walmart de Mexico Foundation and their partner organizations seek to assist 25,000 women in improving their quality of life. All they need is to apply.