Omsky Kauchuk Launches Abgas Purification Unit
OREANDA-NEWS. August 15, 2012. On production of phenol and acetone of public company “Omsky Kauchuk” was started pilot-industrial run of abgas purification unit (by-product gases produced during oxygenation of isopropyl benzene), reported the press-centre of Titan.
Oxygenation abgases purification unit is adsorption unit of isopropyl benzene recuperation. It significantly improves ecological safety of production. In particular, it allows to reduce maximum permissible discharge.
The unit is composed from 4 main apparatuses (absorbers) made by workers of maintenance-mechanical workshop of the plant, pipelines and control equipment system. Capacity of the unit – 10 thousand cubic meters per hour. Each absorber passes through certain work cycle, after that it conducts regeneration of coal by steam, during which isopropyl benzene held in activated carbon returns into technological process.
Although probationary period of work of the unit will last for about one month, it is possible already now to speak about finishing of a very serious work aimed at full exclusion of products in emissions and return of isopropyl benzene extracted from the emission back into production process.
Renovation of the workshop will not be limited with this – several days ago was started construction of foundations for the installation of vacuum systems. Vacuum is necessary in technological process on distillation unit. The systems will replace morally outdated equipment – vacuum injector pumps. In contrast to the old equipment, the new equipment works without accumulation of steam condensate, does not require consumption of steam and allows to regulate expenses of electroenergy depending on the load.