OREANDA-NEWS. August 14, 2012. For seven months of 2012 “Lipetskcement”, JSC produced 642.5 thousand tons of cement of which one fourth of the total cement produced accounts for the month of July. In July 148 thousand tons of cement have been produced – which corresponds to the level of production for the previous month. In the period from January to July also 641 thousand tons of clinker – cement raw material – have been produced. At the same time July accounts accounting for 16% of total production, which is 102 thousand tons, which is 4.5% more in comparison with the result of July of last year.

“Lipetskoe Karierupravlenie”, LLCcontinues increasing the volume of overburden operations. During July of 2012 almost 128 thousand tons of overburden, which is 15% more in comparison with the result of 2011, have been produced. In total for seven months, the volume of overburden operations surpassed last year’s figures by 50 tons (9, 5%).

Cement shipping volume is also showing stable performance and keeping at rates of 2011, and for a seven-month reporting period it amounted to 96.5 thousand tons. The total volume of cement shipment from the beginning of 2012 is 645 thousand tons. In the peak construction season – in July – consumers have received 155 thousand tons of cement. At the same time shipment of cement by self-delivery continues growing as well.

“Lipetskcement”, JSC is the only cement producer in the Lipetsk region, part of the “EUROCEMENT group” Holding, an international vertically integrated industrial holding. “EUROCEMENT group” Holding is the leader in terms of the production of building materials and a key supplier of building complex of Russia.

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