NIBULON Announced Preliminary Harvesting Results
OREANDA-NEWS. August 9, 2012. It is the middle of a hot summer. Harvesting of early grain crops is almost completed on the company’s fields. Labor and technological resources, harvesting machines are involved in harvesting as much as possible.
Harvester combines were moved from the branches of the Southern and Eastern regions to Vinnytsya, Khmel’nyts’kyy, and Zhytomyr regions in time in order to complete complex of works as quickly as possible.
At present on the company’s fields there are working more than 50 combines and about 200 units of machinery to perform movement of grain batches. Every day 3000 tons of grain are harvested and moved to the elevators of the company.
As of today harvesting of winter rape has been completely finished. High indices were demonstrated by the branches, such as “Pivdennyy Bug” branch (director – O.V. Kobchenko) – 34.4 dt/ha, “Kamyanets’-Podil’s’ka” branch (director – S.V. Bogachyk) – 26.3 dt/ha.
The company finished harvesting of winter and spring barley completely. The highest yields of winter barley were reached in the branches, such as “Pivdennyy Bug” branch (director – O.V. Kobchenko) – 49.6 dt/ha and “Mriya” branch (director – A.V. Kuchmar) – 36.2 dt/ha. “Mriya” branch demonstrated the highest indices by winter crop for a period of carrying out its activity in the company’s structure since 2010.
Spring barley is not the main crop of “NIBULON”. Low volumes of spring barley are cultivated in order to provide animals with fodder and it is also used as an emergency crop.
In the current season the highest yields of the given crop were reached in the branches, such as “Starobil’s’ka” branch (director – M. Y. Yunyk)– 35.0 dt/ha and “Troyits’ka” branch (director – A.O. Il’mins’kyy) – 32.5 dt/ha. For “Starobil’s’ka” branch a yield of the given crop is the highest one in the history of the branch activity since 1999.
Winter wheat is the main crop of the company. Harvesting of this crop has been completed by the reporting date (21.5 thousand ha).
Weather conditions turned out to be difficult in the South, it was difficult for agrarians to get a high crop yield because of severe autumn and spring droughts, hard winter frosts and spring dry winds. That is why grain harvested by agrarians in this region is very valuable. In spite of indices of a yield are not record personnel of the branches of Mykolayiv, Cherkasy, and
In the current season, more than ever, there worked one of the main principles being applied during production, namely diversification of risks. Taking into account location of areas in all soil and climatic regions there will be received a crop yield of early group not less than last year.
High indices were demonstrated by the branches of Lugans’k region: “Svativs’ka” branch (director - M.G. Bezkorovaynyy) – 46.8 dt/ha, “Troyits’ka” branch (director – A.O. Il’mins’kyy) – 45.8 dt/ha. These are the highest indices in a specified region for the last four years. Good results are shown by the branches of Vinnytsya and Zhytomyr regions: “Bystryts’ka” branch (director – I.V. Soroka) – 55.3 dt/ha, “Romanivs’ka” branch (director Yu.S. Kulybaba) – 48.8 dt/ha, “Chudnivs’ka” branch (director P.I. Zapletnyuk) – 47.2 dt/ha.
The branches “Pryseymivs’ka” (director – O.V. Sergienko) and “Mriya” (director – A.V. Kuchmar) where a crop yield is more than 63.5 dt/ha and 60.1 dt/ha respectively left behind Lugans’k and Zhytomyr regions.
Attention should be drawn to the high quality of grain provided by winter wheat – above 70% of batches meet the 1st and 2nd classes!
It can be stated that agrarians of the Northern, Eastern, and Western regions of the country got a high yield of this grain crop. Once again the analytical sector of the production department was right having predicted the gross yield of winter wheat at the level of about 15 mln tons within the country on the whole.
Due to wide geography of location of production branches of the company and that is 10 regions of our country, it is easy to analyze status of agricultural crops. Interpolating its own results, it is possible to predict a level of a crop yield at the regional level.
There is a tendency of a crop yield deficiency in the Southern regions but it is not the whole country. Harvesting areas of wheat in the regions which underwent drought do not exceed a third of sowings within
Agrarians of Vinnytsya, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Khmel’nyts’kyy, Lugans’k, Kharkiv regions demonstrate high results of wheat harvesting, due to this a positive grain balance for the food security will be preserved.
The given calculations testify about more optimistic indices of harvesting of grain crops and wheat as compared with those predicted even by some official sources.
Taking into account peculiarities of a year, it should be mentioned that in the current season agrarians received a yield of wheat with high quality indices: received grain are within the first-third classes and in the market there is a small quantity of fodder batches. The given tendency shows sufficient balance of domestic wheat market.
Taking into account transitory remains of the last season in the amount of 3.014 mln tons and expected wheat yield of this year in the amount of 15.0 mln tons, focusing on domestic demand of the country in the amount of 11.5 mln tons, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the grain market of Ukraine will be full-value and self-sufficient in the current season.
After harvesting completion of early grain crops works will not be completed. Preparation of soil for a crop is being performed now on a full scale. More than
The experts of the production department perform tender procedures for purchase of planting stock of winter crops, mineral fertilizers, means of plant protection, etc.