Gonets-M Space Vehicles, Insured by Ingosstrakh, Successfully Launched
OREANDA-NEWS. August 6, 2012. The two space vehicles (SV), Gonets-M and MiR, were separated from the Briz-KM transfer orbit stage (TOS). The space vehicles were put into the final orbit.
As was said before, Ingosstrakh Insurance Company insured launch and air trials of Gonets-M No. 13 and No. 15 space vehicles. The tender was organized by the Open Joint-Stock Company “Information Satellite Systems” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev”. The insurance sum amounted to 380.5 mln. rubles.
"Ingosstrakh Insurance Company occupies leading positions in the space insurance sector. The Company is a member of
Gonets-M space vehicles were created in the Open Joint-Stock Company “Information Satellite Systems” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev” for Gonets-D1M multi-functional system of personal satellite connection (MFSPSC), which gives access to communication services at any longitude and latitude for stationary and mobile subscribers. SV are to be used for organization of communication and data transfer, including e-mail, with registration of messages in the on-board memory, storage and further transfer to the user. SVs also ensure communication for subscribers in the general radio coverage area, transfer of telex and fax messages. Besides, their functions include automatic data collection from different types of transducers of fire and burglar alarm, environmental sensors and so on.