OREANDA-NEWS. August 6, 2012. Eni completed the sale to Fluxys SA ("Fluxys") and Snam S.p.A. ("Snam") of its 16.41% interest in Interconnector (UK) Limited ("IUK"),  51% interest in Interconnector Zeebrugge Terminal SCRL ("IZT") and 10% interest in Huberator SA ("Huberator"). The total consideration for the above mentioned stakes amounts to € 145 million and Eni will retain its transportation contracts of IUK's capacity.

IUK owns and operates the subsea gas pipeline that provides a bi-directional link between the UK (Bacton) and Belgium (Zeebrugge). IZT and Huberator are Belgian companies: IZT owns the terminal and compressor facilities linking the Interconnector pipeline to the Belgian gas transmission system and Huberator is the operator and provider of hub services in Belgium.