Nakhodka Toughened Control Over Products Quality
OREANDA-NEWS. August 06, 2012. Heads of trade enterprises of Nakhodka city district were reminded about rules for food products sale in summer period and recommended to observe the legislation properly.
Meeting on this theme took place at the City Hall. It was held by first deputy Head of Nakhodka city district Boris GLADKIH.
Heads of trade and public catering enterprises were invited to take part in the meeting at the City Hall. Specialist of Nakhodka Department of Rospotrebnadzor (the Russian Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well Being) Ludmila CHEREVANINA has reported that 128 inspections were conducted at the enterprises involved in production and turnover of products during seven months of 2012.
According to the results of all inspections, violations were discovered at 83 enterprises. Because of such situation Nakhodka Department of Rospotrebnadzor toughened sanctions against entrepreneurs-violators and increased the sum of fines ten fold.