Every Sixth Bank Cards Terminal in Ukraine Is of PrivatBank
"Certainly, the turnovers in mini-terminals are not comparable with the turnovers at large retail outlets, - said the Alexander Vityaz, PrivatBank Deputy Chairman. - But this is the main peculiarity of mini-terminal! Small and medium-sized companies often get it to use just a couple of times per month. Fortunately, mini-terminals are available at any branch of PrivatBank almost for free."
Today mini-terminals are mostly used in small shops, small hotels, by tour guides, journalists, owners of cafes and restaurants and taxi drivers. On the eve of Euro 2012 PrivatBank has elaborated a special program for taxi services, that allowed to pay the fare in taxi by cards of any European bank.
PrivatBank is a leader in the national market of payment cards. The Bank serves more than 20.1 million cards (about 40% of the total cards' number issued by Ukrainian banks). The Bank’s network now includes 3,394 branches and offices, 7,904 ATMs, 4,450 self-service terminals and 54,675 POS-terminals.