Mitsubishi Motors Announces Results for June 2012
OREANDA-NEWS. July 25, 2012. Mitsubishi Motors Corporation today announced global production, as well as domestic sales and export figures for June 2012 and for the first six months of Calendar Year (CY) 2012.
June 2012
Production: total and in Japan
Total global production for June came in at 93,461 units, 8.1 percent down over June 2011 and the first consecutive monthly decrease since May this year. Production volume in Japan at 45,735 units was 22.6 percent down, the first consecutive year-on-year monthly decrease since May this year. Passenger car output at 39,512 units was 25.8 percent down. Commercial vehicle output at 6,223 units was 7.6 percent up.
Sales in Japan
Vehicle sales in Japan in June totaled 11,940 units, 15.4 percent down on the same month last year and the second consecutive monthly year-on-year decline since April this year. Sales of passenger cars at 8,964 units were 10.4 percent down while sales of commercial vehicles at 2,976 units were 27.7 percent down over the same month last year. Registered vehicle sales volume at 4,481 units was 14.9 percent down while minicar sales volume at 7,459 units was 15.8 percent down on the same month last year.
Production overseas
Overseas production volume totaled 47,726 units, 11.8 percent up over June last year and the forth consecutive monthly year-on-year increase since February this year. By region, output in Asia at 40,107 units was 25.7 percent up year on year boosted chiefly by a 44.3 percent increase at 27,123 units at MMTh in Thailand, this being attributed to the addition of the new Mirage to the production line. In China, output at 2,471 units was 11.2 percent down on June last year. In North America, output at 2,826 units was 40.1 percent down over the same month last year, due in part to production of the Eclipse model coming to an end. In Europe, output at 1,643 units was 3.8 percent down on last year. In South America output at 3,150 units was 23.4 percent down over June last year.
Export shipments from Japan
Total exports from Japan of 31,039 units were 34.1 percent down on June 2011, marking the first consecutive monthly year-on-year drop since May this year. Exports to Asia at 2,364 units were 72.0 percent down year on year. Exports to North America at 3,180 units were 55.9 percent down over June last year. Exports to Europe at 15,955 units were 12.7 percent down year on year.
January - June 2012
Production: total and in Japan
In the first six months of 2012 total global production at 538,454 units fell 1.6 percent over the same period in 2011, the first year-on-year half-term decrease since the first half of CY 2009. Production volume in Japan at 277,647 units was 8.9 percent down on the same period last year, the first year-on-year decline for the period since the first half of 2009. At 243,184 units passenger car output was 10.2 percent down and at 34,463 units commercial vehicle output was 2.0 percent up on the same period in 2011.
Sales in Japan
Total vehicle sales on the Japanese market for the first six months of CY 2012 at 77,914 units were slightly up, the first increase for the period in two first half terms since CY 2010. Sales of passenger cars at 59,244 units were 4.5 percent up and of commercial vehicles at 18,670 units were 12.0 percent down. Registered vehicle sales volume at 30,487 units was 10.5 percent up and minicar sales volume at 47,427 units was 5.7 percent down over the same period last year.
Production overseas
Overseas production for the first six months of CY 2012 totaled 260,807 units, 7.6 percent up over the pervious year, and the second consecutive half-term increase since the first half of CY 2010. By region, output in Asia at 217,552 units was 17.5 percent up over the same period last year, boosted chiefly by a 28.0 percent increase at MMTh in Thailand. In China, output at 13,116 units was 14.1 percent down on the same period last year. In North America, output at 13,222 units was 40.4 percent down over the same period in 2011. In Europe, output at 10,923 units was 20.6 percent down due to sluggish sales. In South America output at 18,810 units was 2.8 percent down year on year.
Export shipments from Japan
Exports from Japan for the first six months of CY 2012 at 191,145 units registered a 13.9 percent fall over the same period last year, the first half-term decrease since the first half of CY 2009. By region, export shipments to Asia at 13,780 units were 56.2 percent down year on year. Exports to North America at 28,611 units were 0.3 percent down year on year. Shipments to Europe at 85,443 units were 9.2 percent down year on year.