New Provisions of Moscow Exchange Rules for Listing Will Take Effect
The Sector of companies with increased investment risk was established in accordance with the recommendations of the Listing Committee in order to implement measures to protect investors" rights and mitigate risk of financial losses by investors purchasing securities with an unpredictable level of investment risk in CJSC MICEX Stock Exchange. Securities will be included in the Sector based on recommendations of the Exchange"s Listing Committee and Securities Market Committee. In addition, special criteria will be elaborated by the Exchange for selection of securities before they are considered by the Committees.
Securities included in the Sector of companies with increased investment risk will be specially marked in the List of securities of the Exchange.
Furthermore, a new version of the Rules of securities trading of CJSC MICEX Stock Exchange with the procedure for executing trades in the “Equities D – Main trading mode” and “Equities B - Negotiated trades mode” took effect on July 02, 2012. Shares included in the Sector of companies with increased investment risk will trade within the above-mentioned trading modes.
Start of trading in the Sector of companies with increased investment risk will be announced later this month.