OREANDA-NEWS. July 12, 2012. Academician M.F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems has commenced preparations for the 2nd International scientific and technical conference “Navigation satellite systems, their role and importance in contemporary life”.

October 2012 will mark the 30 year anniversary of the first satellite launched for the global navigation satellite system GLONASS. Over these years space navigation has become not only one of the most important means of strengthening the country’s defence capabilities, but also an integral part of our everyday life. ISS-Reshetnev is the only Russian company that develops and builds navigation spacecraft, that is why it will host the 2nd International scientific and technical conference on satellite navigation on October 10-14.

The first edition of the conference was held at the Reshetnev Company five years ago and it was devoted to the 25 year anniversary of the first Glonass satellite launch. The event brought together a wide range of participants: leading aerospace industry experts, scientists, professors and students of technical educational institutions. The contributors covered a great number of issues dealing with the replenishment and modernization of the orbital constellation GLONASS. And this time, as the system has been already brought to its full operational capability and now ensures global signal availability and continuous navigation support, the conference participants will be focused on its current status and development prospects. In particular, the key themes for the event will be boosting the navigation system’s performance and ground infrastructure modernization.