Magnit Announces Results of BoD Meeting
OREANDA-NEWS. July 09, 2012. OJSC "Magnit" (the "Company", "Issuer"; MICEX and LSE: MGNT) is pleased to announce the results of the BOD meeting held on July 6, 2012.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
We would like to inform you that today the BOD meeting was held (minutes of BOD of OJSC "Magnit" are w/o No. of July 6, 2012).
The meeting agenda:
1. Determination of OJSC "Magnit" business priorities.
2. Approval of the related party transactions.
The following BOD members were present: V. Butenko, S. Galitskiy, K. Pombukhchan, A. Shkhachemukov. A. Arutyunyan, A. Zayonts and A. Makhnev provided their written opinions on the items of the agenda of the BOD meeting of OJSC "Magnit".
The number of the BOD members participated in the meeting, including written opinions of A. Arutyunyan, A. Zayonts and A. Makhnev, amounts to not less than half of the number of the BOD members determined by the Charter of the Company.
Quorum to hold the BOD meeting with this agenda is present. Content of the decisions and voting results:
On the item 1 of the agenda:
"To determine OJSC "Magnit" business priorities by means of ratification of financial and operational activities Plan for the third quarter 2012". Votes cast is as follows:
A. Arutyunyan - "for", V. Butenko - "for", S. Galitskiy - "for", A. Zayonts - "for", A. Makhnev - "for", K. Pombukhchan - "for", A. Shkhachemukov - "for". The decision is made.
On the item 2.1 of the agenda:
"To approve the transaction which the Company plans to execute in future with JSC "Tander" and which is the related party transaction with the following essentials:
• Parties of the transaction: Lessor - OJSC "Magnit", Lessee - JSC "Tander";
• Subject of the transaction: The Lessor shall provide the following to the Lessee for a fee for temporary possession and use:
- real property: non-residential premises №№ 22,23,24, with the total space of 277 sq.m., located on the first floor of the non-residential building at the following address: 29 Kirova street, Armavir, Krasnodar region, Russian Federation;
- power receivers: energy accounting meter set in the distribution device 0.4 kv of the transforming substation №32, cable line 0.4 kv made of the AVVG cable with a section of 3x35+1x16 and 140m long, laid from the distribution device - 0.4 kv of the transforming substation-32 to the input distribution device of the non-residential premises at 29 Kirova street, input distribution device, internal electrical equipment;
• Lease fee: 143,000 (one hundred and forty three thousand) rubles 00 kopecks per month including VAT;
• Lease period: 10 (ten) years.
The price of the property to the possible disposal of which the transaction is related amounts to less than 2% of the book value of assets of the Company determined on the basis of the accounting statements for the latest accounting period". Votes cast is as follows:
A. Arutyunyan - "did not participate in voting", V. Butenko - "for", S. Galitskiy - "did not participate in voting", A. Zayonts - "for", A. Makhnev - "for", K. Pombukhchan - "did not participate in voting", A. Shkhachemukov - "for". The decision is made.
On the item 2.2 of the agenda:
"To approve the transaction which the Company plans to execute in future with JSC "Tander" and which is the related party transaction with the following essentials:
• Parties of the transaction: Lessor - OJSC "Magnit", Lessee - JSC "Tander";
• Subject of the transaction: The Lessor shall provide the following to the Lessee for a fee for temporary possession and use:
- real property: a part of a store: non-residential premises № 34-40,42-43, purpose: non-residential, with the total space of 527.5 (five hundred and twenty seven point five) sq.m., located at the following address: 182 Krymskaya street, Anapa, Krasnodar region, Russian Federation;
- power receivers: energy accounting meter set in the distribution device 0.4 kv of the distribution substation- 3, aerial line 0.4 kv made of the self-supporting insulated wire 2A with a section of 3x50+1x54,6 and 100m long, laid from the distribution device-0.4 kv of the distribution substation-3 to the input distribution device of the non-residential premises at 182 Krymskaya street, internal electrical equipment;
• Lease fee: 369,000 (three hundred and sixty nine) rubles 00 kopecks per month including VAT;
• Lease period: 10 (ten) years.
The price of the property to the possible disposal of which the transaction is related amounts to less than 2% of the book value of assets of the Company determined on the basis of the accounting statements for the latest accounting period". Votes cast is as follows:
A. Arutyunyan - "did not participate in voting", V. Butenko - "for", S. Galitskiy - "did not participate in voting", A. Zayonts - "for", A. Makhnev - "for", K. Pombukhchan - "did not participate in voting", A. Shkhachemukov - "for". The decision is made.
On the item 2.3 of the agenda:
"To approve the transaction which the Company plans to execute in future with JSC "Tander" and which is the related party transaction with the following essentials:
• Parties of the transaction: Lessor - OJSC "Magnit", Lessee - JSC "Tander";
• Subject of the transaction: The Lessor shall provide the following to the Lessee for a fee for temporary possession and use:
- real property: non-residential premises, with the total space of 736 sq.m., located in the store building, letter A, a,a1, at the following address:
- power receivers: cable line of 0.4 kv made of the AVVG cable with a section of 4x70 and 175m long, laid from the distribution device of 0.4 kv of transforming substation №402 to the input distribution device of the non-residential premises at 44 Gvardeyskaya street, the input distribution device of the premises, internal electrical equipment.
• Lease fee: the lease fee shall be determined as follows: in the amount of 625 (six hundred and twenty five) rubles per 1 sq.m. of the lease square per month.
• Lease period: 10 (ten) years.
The price of the property to the possible disposal of which the transaction is related amounts to less than 2% of the book value of assets of the Company determined on the basis of the accounting statements for the latest accounting period".
Votes cast is as follows:
A. Arutyunyan - "did not participate in voting", V. Butenko - "for", S. Galitskiy - "did not participate in voting", A. Zayonts - "for", A. Makhnev - "for", K. Pombukhchan - "did not participate in voting", A. Shkhachemukov - "for". The decision is made.
On the item 2.4 of the agenda:
"To approve the conclusion of the Additional agreement to the Contract of the real property lease №GK/6598/11 of 01.12.2011 between Open joint-stock company "Magnit" (hereinafter - "Lessor") and Joint-stock company "Tander" (hereinafter - "Lessee") and which is the related party transaction (hereinafter - "Contract") due to amendments to the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions Therewith with the following essentials:
to set forth the paragraph 2 of the clause 1.1 of the Contract in the following edition: "The Lessor shall provide the following real property, hereinafter the Object, to the Lessee for a fee for temporary possession and use: non-residential premises № 1-24, purpose: non-residential, with the total space of 611.2 (six hundred and eleven point two) sq. m, basement storey, located at the address: 3, Parus neighbourhood unit, Gelendzhik, Krasnodar region, Russian Federation in the state to perform its normal operation for the purposes set forth in the clause 1.2 of the Contract and compliant with applicable legal requirements for environmental protection, sanitary standards, land use, construction standards, fire safety and electrical safety";
to set forth the paragraph 3 of the clause 1.1 of the Contract in the following edition: "The Object is owned by the Lessor under the Contract of real property purchase and sale of 18.08.2066, the Act of real property transfer and acceptance of 18.08.2006 which is evidenced by registration entry № 23-23-12/093/2006-367 made in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions Therewith of 08.02.2007, Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography issued the Certificate of State Registration of Title of 24.05.2012, series 23-AK № 757071";
to set forth the clause 5.1 of the Contract in the following edition: "The Lessee shall pay rental rate in the amount of 305,000 (three hundred and five thousand) rubles including VAT to the Lessor within the term set forth in the Contract".
The price of the property to the possible disposal of which the transaction is related amounts to less than 2% of the book value of assets of the Company determined on the basis of the accounting statements for the latest accounting period". Votes cast is as follows: