FAS: “No. 223 Federal Law Is Independent Working Tool”
OREANDA-NEWS. July 09, 2012. The statement was made in Magadan by Stats-Secretary Andrey Tsarikovsky, Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia), opening a workshop of FAS bodies located in Dalnevostochny Federal District, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.
The workshop was devoted to enforcement of antimonopoly law, the laws on state procurement, natural monopolies and combating cartels.
He discussed important amendments to the laws and the main directions for further improving the system of antimonopoly regulation.
In the Welcoming Address Deputy Head of FAS stated: “Today several changes are introduced to the system of antimonopoly regulation. The “third antimonopoly package” of laws came into force in January 2012; amendments to the law include adopting new procedures for appealing actions undertaken by organizers of competitive bidding. Under Article 18.1 complaints must be considered within ten days.” “The procedure of short administrative appeal of competitive bidding is a younger sister of No.94 Federal Law”, said Mr. Tsarikovsky.
Andrey Tsarikovsky paid special attention to No. 223 Federal Law that came into force on 1st April 2012. “Today No. 223 Federal Law is an independent working tool that within short time forced many state-owned corporations to work differently - I am referring to procurement methods”, pointed Mr. Tsarikovsky. Deputy Head of FAS presented the first statistics on complaints filed according to the procedures under Article 18.1. “There are still many incidents of returning complaints; however, in my opinion it is due to a run-in period of establishing the mechanism of control over the law. It’s already clear that this is an immense area that must be under control”, emphasized Andrey Tsarikovsky.
At the workshop, Andrey Tsarikovsky and the Head of Magadan OFAS, Vasily Zadorozhny, held a press-conference. They answered questions from journalists and discussed activities of the antimonopoly authority, relevant norms of law, sizes of fines imposed upon government officials, and specifics of developing competition in the Magadan region.
The workshop was attended by representatives of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, the heads and experts of regional FAS bodies for Dalnevostochny Federal District.