OREANDA-NEWS. June 29, 2012. According to the results of The best bread in Russia-2012 All-Russian competition Borodinskiy Noviy bread produced by Khlebopek CJSC (the structure object of Stoylenskaya Niva AIC) was recognised the best one in the single category named Rye bread. The results of the competition were summarised on June 15, 2012.

The best bread in Russia-2012 All-Russian competition was held for the first time and coincided with The modern bread-baking-2012 international exhibition which took place from the 13th till the 15th of June in Moscow. The best bread in Russia-2012 competition was divided into two steps. On the first step the bread-baking enterprises presented the samples of their products for expert food function; on the second one the kinds of bread which received the best results were estimated by common consumers.

26 bread-baking enterprises were competing for the title of the best bread in Russia; and only 11 of them managed to get in to the second step. The experts' commission estimated bread according to the following parameters: shape, surface, colour, smell, taste, porosity. One of the important conditions of the competition was the presence of no more than 15% of wheat flower in the composition of the loaf.    

According to the results of the second step of The best bread in Russia-2012 All-Russian competition the bread that won by a head was Borodinskiy Noviy rye bread produced by Khlebopek plant in Smolensk. More than the third of the participants of the social food function voted for this very kind of bread. The other samples got from 3 to 13% of votes. The winner was awarded The best bread in Russia big cup. 

Tatiana Fedyk, the head of the industrial service of Stoylenskaya Niva AIC: The production technology of this bread was elaborated in 1933 in the Moscow enterprise of bread-baking. The formulation has not changed ever since, in spite of the re-edition of All Union State standards. The secret of our Borodinskiy bread is in the fact that it is made of choux paste, but we do not disclose the recipe of choux production and value it very much.