FSUE Rosmorport Finished Implementing Corporate Information System
Along with the system implementation, successful measures were taken to ensure that CIS is fail-proof and the company has its own technical support staff. Far Eastern branches have their very own technical support center. Currently, the company is working on forming analogous centers on the basis of the Northwest, Azovo-Chernomorsky and Azov basin branches.
FSUE Rosmorport is planning on developing a management accounting system (on the basis of IBM Cognos BI business analysis, implementing “Budgeting” systems, “Port duties” and a human resource management system) in the near future. It is crucial to use a standardized corporate information system so that management can optimally distribute the company ’s resources, make quick decisions and effectively plan the company’s long term development (and boost the sea industry as a whole).
FSUE Rosmorport - a federal state unitary enterprise (FSUE) under the ownership of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency. The Government of the