New Lenta Hypermarket Opened in Nevsky District of Saint-Petersburg
"LENTA" in Rybatskoye has become 15-th shop of the retail chain in the Northern Capital, and the Company’s 43-th object in
In view of small area of the land plot, which is two and a half hectare, the surface parking for 375 cars is located in the first level of the hypermarket. Shopping floor of about 7000 sq.m., and the boutique area are accommodated in the second level. Customers’ access to the second floor is provided by 4 high-tech travolators.
The new "LENTA" has improved internal structure of the shopping floor, in particular, this area incorporates the new shelving system that allows to optimize the retail space. The shelves are more compactly- sized, so they are more numerous, which makes possible to expand the goods layout space. Also, through optimizing the shelving space, we have successfully achieved greater feeling of spaciousness and lightness in the shopping area.
The hypermarket has been designed in a modern style, according to the updated corporate identity. The Company’s blue and yellow colors now are of deeper and richer tone. Visual designing solutions add that specific European stylishness to the new design, creating the sense of security and confidence, while catchy informative sign plates facilitate navigation and bring in the air of rejoicing.
"LENTA" in Rybatskoye, from the very first day of its work has become popular among local residents. More than 6,000 customers daily make their purchases there. One can surely say that "LENTA" has made a great contribution to the district infrastructure: its beautiful modern facade has transpeciated prospect Obukhov Oborony, and low pricing policy covering good quality products will allow the people living in Nevsky district to save money for many other pleasures of life.