Karelenergo Reconstructed “Velikaya Guba” Substation
OREANDA-NEWS. June 22, 2012. Karelenergo branch of IDGC of the North-West, JSC is being implementing the investment project for reconstruction of the external electric power supply circuit of the Kizhi Island (Republic of Karelia).
As of the moment, reconstruction of Substation (SS) No. 78 “Velikaya Guba” has been completed within the framework of the investment project implementation.
A new substation control building (SCB) has been constructed at SS No. 78. Mounted in the SCB is equipment for control of automatic direct current, the accumulator battery, means of the automatic electric energy commercial accounting system, dispatching and process control and telemechanics. Construction and mounting works have been performed at SS No. 78 “Velikaya Guba” for installation of means for compensation for earth fault currents within the 35 kV grid (ground-fault neutralizer with automatic compensation adjustment and a 35 kV high-valued resistor). One has installed a 35 kV unit with a line circuit breaker for the 35 kV line from SS-78 “Velikaya Guba” to 35/10 kV SS ”Zharnikovo” that is currently under construction.
Apart from that, a new 10 kV two-section distribution station has been constructed in the Bolshoy Klimenetsky Island in 2011 that is fitted out with vacuum circuit breakers, security and fire alarms, video surveillance means, equipment of the automated information and measuring system of commercial energy metering, dispatcher operation control system and telemechanics.
Currently, several facilities are being constructed simultaneously. Those are the new 35/10 kV SS in the Zharnikovo village, the new 35 kV overhead line with protected wires and a fiber-optic cable from SS-78 “Velikaya Guba” to the 35/10 kV Zharnikovo village SS that is currently under construction, its extension amounting to 31.9 km.