OREANDA-NEWS. June 19, 2012. In view of providing more comfortable client service two more branches of Unibank have shifted to six-day business week. Now the capital branches “Opera” (located in Sayat-Nova 1) and “Haghtanak” (located in Komitas 62) will serve clients not only on week-days (10:00-17:00) but both on Saturdays from 10:15 till 15:00, reported the press-centre of Unibank.

We would like to remind that еarlier the regional branch Lori shifted to six-day business regimen. From Monday till Friday “Amiryan” and “Komitas” branches are open till 19:30 according to the following schedule:

from 10:00 till 17:00 – general banking service,

from 10:00 till 19:30 - UNISTREAM money transfers service and exchange operations.

“Zvartnots” branch located at Zvartnots international airport is open 24-hour without days-off.

Within the retail business development strategy Unibank is constantly increasing the accessibility of banking services and setting business regimen in accordance with clients’ expectations. Such approach enables clients to visit the branches of the Bank and make use of high-quality banking services at more convenient time.

Today the branch network of Unibank includes 41 branches and a representative-office in Moscow. All the branches of the Bank offer physical and juridical persons the whole spectrum of banking services including placing deposits, emission and service of banking cards, Unistream money transfers, crediting, cash and settlement service, communal payments.

If you have any questions concerning the branch network of Unibank please contact the call-center at (37410) 59 55 55 or fill in a feedback form.