IDGC of Centre Started Reconstruction of High-Voltage Lines
OREANDA-NEWS. June 13, 2012. The investment project, which is being implemented in the Kostroma region, provides for the reconstruction and modernization of 110 kV overhead transmission lines "Motordetal-Kostroma-1" and "Trans-Volga-1, 2" with a change in the power supply circuit of the city of Kostroma. The reconstruction of these lines - one of the most ambitious projects of the investment program of IDGC of Centre.
Within the project reconstruction work on these lines will be performed with going to the 110 kV major city substations (SS) "North" and "Central", which will greatly increase the transmission capacity of the overhead lines, as well as improve the reliability of electricity supply in most parts of the city of
The reconstruction involves the replacement of obsolete poles and wires for modern equipment that meets the highest requirements for reliability and quality of electricity transmission. In accordance with the reconstruction plan 51 metal lattice poles and 86 metal multifaceted poles will be installed, the wire along the whole ROW with total length of about
At the same time the reconstruction of tap 110 kV substations that provide electricity to city of
All the upgrades on the lines are being performed within the technical policy of IDGC of Centre, which aims to improve the reliability and quality of power supply for consumers.