IDGC of Centre Continues Environment Protection Activity
OREANDA-NEWS. June 8, 2012. The Day of the ecologist is being held on World Environment Day. IDGC of Centre focuses on environmental protection and execution of the Program on the implementation of environmental policy, under which in the I quarter of 2012 the measures were taken to help minimize the negative impact on the environment. 4.9 million rubles were spent on them.
By the decision of the Board of Directors of IDGC of Centre the development of the environmental policy is defined as one of the priorities of the Company. The environmental work is performed in several ways.
In the field of air protection the following activities were performed: a quarterly check of vehicles logging to monitor the exhaust gases, conducting instrumental measurements in the buffer zone, the organization and conduct of instrumental control over compliance with established standards of maximum permissible emissions (MPE) in the atmosphere. 16,91 thousand rubles were spent on these activities in the I quarter of 2012.
In the field of protection and rational use of water resources the work continued to conduct laboratory analysis of microbiological, radiological and chemical parameters of groundwater and waste water discharges, a comprehensive cleaning of sewer manholes and networks was carried out, the compliance with the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful contaminants in the discharges into the sewer was monitored. The Company’s specialists also carried out periodic sampling of water from artesian wells to assess the quality. 994,29 thousand rubles were invested in the protection of water resources in the I quarter of 2012.
In the direction of conservation and management of land use the measures were taken to reduce harmful effects on soils: the construction of sites for temporary storage of oil-filled equipment, waste oil, scrap metal and wood poles was performed. Constant monitoring of the storage of tires is performed.
As part of the waste management the organization of separate waste storage of different hazard classes was performed, the component structure of the waste and its hazard class was defined, and the compliance with established MPE, MPD (maximum permissible discharges) in the areas of waste accumulation was monitored. Arrangement of sites for waste storage, labelling containers, contracts for delivery by specialized organizations of waste for recycling, recovery, disposal were made. 855,62 thousand rubles were invested in those measures in the I quarter of the year.
As part of activities for training of specialists on the environment protection and environmental management in several branches of IDGC of Centre the training of managers and responsible persons for the right to work with hazardous waste was organized. In the past quarter 616,5 thosand rubles were spent on it.