OREANDA-NEWS. June 8, 2012. The Kazan branch of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company took part in the seminar of Volga Region agricultural manufacturers entitled “New system of agricultural insurance with state support. Mechanisms and rules of agricultural insurance provision in 2012” organized by the National Union of Agricultural Insurers along with Russian Ministry of Agriculture. The aim of the seminar was acquaintance of the agricultural and industrial complex employees with the new conditions of state support in agricultural insurance in connection with enactment of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 No. 260-FZ.
The event was attended by over 150 agriculture manufacturers from Volga territories and districts of the Republic of Tatarstan, representatives of insurance companies, and also ministries and institutions of the Russian Regions. Similar seminars were earlier held in a number of other Regions of the country and raised vivid interest on the part of agricultural manufacturers and insurance companies.
Ildar Kamaletdinov, Director of the Subsidiary of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company in Kazan, took part in the seminar, covering the topic “Insurance of harvest of crops with state support.” Commenting on the results of the event he, in particular, said, “With introduction of new rules of agricultural manufacturers’ risks insurance within the framework of state support programs for industry players and end consumers, a lot of questions appeared requiring discussion and particular decision. So far, we just start working within the framework of new legislative realities, and today there are more questions than answers. In this connection, it is difficult to underestimate the necessity to conduct such events. The seminar allowed its participants to communicate in an open dialog, form the list of the most relevant problems for the industry and insured, and also trace the ways of their resolution within the framework of interaction of insurers, insured and bodies of power.”
Ingosstrakh Insurance Company has been successfully working in the segment of agricultural insurance for over 9 years. The company specialists developed special insurance programs called to protect the interests of Russian agricultural manufacturers. At the end of 2011, Ingosstrakh Insurance Company’s premium on agricultural industrial insurance amounted to about 814 mln rubles, which is 49 % more in comparison with the same period of 2010.