Expert RA Confirms Credit Moscow Bank’s Rating
OREANDA-NEWS. June 05, 2012. Expert RA Rating Agency has confirmed the credit rating for OJSC Credit Moscow Bank at А: High Creditworthiness while its rating outlook has changed from Stable to Positive.
“The reviewed forecast for Credit Moscow Bank is associated with the bank’s additional capitalization expected in 2012, and the considerable growth in its credit portfolio,” comments Kristina Kiryanova, Deputy Director of the Expert RA Credit Institutions Rating Division.
The key positive factors behind this rating include a high level of loan portfolio security (the ratio of collateral value of securities, sureties and guarantees to the loan portfolio was 531.5% as of April 1, 2012), high credit portfolio quality (the ratio of overdue debts from corporations and individual entrepreneurs to loans issued to corporations and individual entrepreneurs is 2.3%), and a high level of industry diversification within the corporate credit portfolio.
In addition, the rating is favorably influenced by the Bank’s balance sheet in terms of short-term assets and liabilities (Н2=69.3%; Н3=97.3% as of April 1, 2012), high securities portfolio quality, the availability of major sources of additional liquidity, a moderately low level of high credit risk projects in active operations, and high levels of business profitability.