Kyivska Rus Bank Increased Interest Rates on Deposits
OREANDA-NEWS. June 05, 2012. PJSC “Kyivska Rus” Bank” increased interest rates on deposits “Super deposit” and “Accumulative”.
Open a deposit account from June 1, 2012 and get increased interest rate:
Profitability of the “Super deposit” now will be up to 23% per annum in UAH! One of the most significant advantages of the deposit is the condition of early withdrawal of the deposit, which allows you to save up to 50% yield. Bank offers recalculation for early withdrawal 12% per annum n UAH and 4% per annum in foreign currency.
On deposit “Accumulative” get 17% per annum in UAH, 11% per annum in USD and 10% per annum in EUR!
Down payments to open the deposits are now 1000 UAH, 500 USD/EUR. It is possible to replenish the deposit in agreement with Bank.