Uniastrum Bank Runs Special Promo
Under the scheme, Uniastrum will be issuing ten exclusive “Golden Week with Visa Gold” vouchers. During the “Golden Week” prizewinners can look forward to five unforgettable days in
The more often customers use their Visa Gold card to make payments during the promo period, the greater their chances of finding themselves among the top-10 prizewinners or winning a bottle of Veuve Clicquot.
According to web portal Banki.ru, 2011 results show Uniastrum placing among the country’s 20th biggest credit card issuers, while figures released by RosBusinessConsulting news agency rank the Bank in the Top-30 for total cards in circulation. As of year-start 2012, Uniastrum’s credit card portfolio tipped the scales at over Rb 3.8 bn, up 15% on the prior year.
RBC figures for last year also show Uniastrum ranking among the nation’s Top-30 banks by total in-house ATMs deployed countrywide. As of January 1, 2012, the Bank had 560 own-brand cash machines (
“As a principal member of Visa International, Uniastrum regularly offers its clients the chance to take part in special promotions operated by Visa in