Vodafone Reached Agreement on Terms of Recommended Offer
OREANDA-NEWS. May 21, 2012. This announcement does not constitute an offer to purchase any securities in any jurisdiction. The distribution of this announcement in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this announcement comes are required by each of Vodafone, the Dealer Managers and the Offer Agent to inform themselves about, and to observe, any such restrictions.
Recommended Convertible Bond Cash Offer by Vodafone Europe B.V. (“Vodafone”) to the holders of all of the outstanding Cable & Wireless Worldwide plc (“CWW”) Ј230,000,000 5.75 per cent. Convertible Bonds due 2014 convertible into ordinary shares of CWW (ISIN: XS0468712863) (the “Convertible Bonds”)
On 23 April 2012, CWW and Vodafone announced that they had reached agreement on the terms of a recommended offer to be made by Vodafone for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of CWW (the “Share Offer”). The Share Offer is to be implemented by means of a scheme of arrangement (the “Scheme”). CWW and Vodafone have today announced that the circular relating to the Scheme (the “Scheme Document”) is being sent to CWW Shareholders today. The Scheme Document sets out, amongst other things, the full terms and conditions of the Scheme, an explanatory statement, notices of the required meetings, a timetable of principal events and details of the action to be taken by CWW Shareholders. As described in the Scheme Document, the Scheme will require the approval of CWW Shareholders at the Court Meeting and the passing of a special resolution at the General Meeting, and then the approval of the Court.
In order to satisfy its obligation under Rule 15 of the United Kingdom City Code on Takeovers and Mergers to make an appropriate offer or proposal to holders of the Convertible Bonds (the “Convertible Bondholders”), Vodafone has today announced that it is making an offer to all Convertible Bondholders to purchase their Bonds for cash (the “Convertible Bond Offer”). The Convertible Bond Offer document (the “Convertible Bond Offer Memorandum”) containing the proposals made by Vodafone to holders of the Convertible Bonds will be made available to Convertible Bondholders today, subject to certain restrictions, on the CWW website (www.cw.com/investors/) and the Vodafone Group Plc website (www.vodafone.com/investor) up to and including the end of the Convertible Bond Offer.
In addition, the Scheme Document will be available to holders of the Convertible Bonds subject to certain restrictions on the CWW website (www.cw.com/investors/) and the Vodafone Group Plc website (www.vodafone.com/investor) up to and including the end of the Share Offer.