Twelve Large Investment Projects Will Be Completed in Karelia in 2012
OREANDA-NEWS. May 21, 2012. Twelve large investment projects should be completed in
This summer it is also planned to launch a factory of Key Forest JSC in Sortavala metropolitan region. Investments make 720 million roubles. In 2011 to implement the first stage of construction including building up and start up of a green-end production timber mill it has been invested 65 million roubles. At the moment, the enterprise works under conditions of precommissioning.
Modernization of Ladoga timber works able to process up to
This year a number of quite important investment projects of modernization of mining enterprises will be performed. More than half a billion roubles is invested in construction of road metal opencast mine at the Golodai-Gora deposit in Prionezhsky region by Onego Quarry Ltd. Production of slates at Myagroozersky deposit in Medvezhiegorsk region (Schungite-M Ltd.) with 100 million roubles of investments will be established.
Karelstroymekhanizatsiya JSC also supports modernization of production. This year additional capacities producing wall panels and cavitated floor slabs at the concrete products plant were commissioned. It has been invested 250 million roubles to renovate the production.
This year it is planned to build a factory producing sublimated products and juices in Kostomuksha urban district (Yagoda Karelii (Berry of Karelia) Ltd.). Investments make 600 million roubles.
On results of 2011, taking into consideration extracting and processing sectors of economy, segments of real estate and municipal infrastructure, the volume of fixed capital expenditures in the Republic of Karelia for all organizations, according to the estimate of the Ministry of Economic Development PK, has made 29,7 billion roubles, or 125% compared to the previous year. As a result of implementation of investment projects it is supposed to create 1700 new vacancies.
The Ministry of Regional Development of the