Moscow Metro Delegation Visits UITP Local Rail Summit
OREANDA-NEWS. May 14, 2012. The delegation of Moscow Metro took part in the International UITP Local Rail Summit in
The programme of the summit covered a number of issues such as new business models to finance rolling stock, safety and security, energy saving measures and modernization of metro systems. During the session dedicated to strategies to increase the capacity of rail systems Deputy Head of Moscow Metro – Chief of Rolling Stock Department Alexander Vaysburd gave a presentation on planning enlargement of infrastructure and vehicle fleet to cope with urban demographic development. The presentation outlined Moscow Metro development plans up to 2020. The expansion project of Moscow Metro sparked keen interest of the audience and Mr.Vaysbvurd was asked to tell more about the ways of improving capacity of the system.
The summit resulted to be an ideal platform for exchange of experience among operators of public transport. Besides, it was attended by industry representatives. Siemens, for example, used the summit as an opportunity to present a 3D model of its new rolling stock.