Kazakhmys Released Chairman Speech to AGM
OREANDA-NEWS. May 14, 2012. The following release covers the key items in the Chairman's speech, delivered at the 2012 Annual General Meeting of Kazakhmys PLC ("Kazakhmys"), held earlier.
Highlights of 2011 and growth projects
In 2011 we delivered another year of reliable production and financial performance from all of our operations. This was our fourth consecutive year of meeting our production targets and our financial performance remains robust.
Last year was also significant for building the future of Kazakhmys. The Board approved the development of our major growth project at Bozshakol and work is now fully underway at the site. In December 2011, we secured a second loan facility, which will help fund the development of our other major growth project at Aktogay and we should be in a position to take Aktogay into development at the end of this year.
We now have USD 4.2 billion of funding towards our development projects and together with our power assets, we are investing around USD 6 billion in our growth. These investments will take our production from 300 kt of copper output to over 500 kt in the next 6 years, the largest programme of its kind in
Health and safety
The health and safety of our workforce remains a key focus for the Board and all management.
I regret to say that in the first four months of 2012 there have been 6 fatalities. We are making progress in reducing the fatality rate in the business and there has been a significant and positive change in our safety culture since we listed in 2005. However, any fatality is unacceptable and we have to continue to make further rapid improvements in order to achieve our aim of zero fatalities.
Copper and corporate outlook
All of the annual off-take agreements for our copper products were signed by the start of 2012 and we continue to see strong demand from our customers. Copper remains fundamental to economic growth, and supply is naturally constrained. Copper remains one of the most attractive metals to be involved with.
As previously announced we anticipate producing between 285 kt and 295 kt of copper
cathode. Our focus in 2012 will be on cost management, the delivery of our growth projects and continuing to improve our health and safety record.
Dividends and shareholders returns
There has been much comment recently on the balance of returns to stakeholders. We are today recommending a final dividend of 20.0 US cents per share, taking our full year dividend to 28.0 US cents per share, equivalent to 15% of underlying post-tax cash earnings. Since our Listing in 2005 we have returned nearly USD 1.7 billion to shareholders, which relative to our size remains amongst the highest in the mining sector.
I am delighted to welcome Charles Watson to his first Kazakhmys Annual General Meeting. Charles brings with him considerable experience, particularly in the development of major industrial projects and knowledge of the region.
We are fortunate to have a Board with a wide range of talent, all relevant to our business, and I should like to thank the Board for their continued assistance and guidance.
I have been Chairman of Kazakhmys since we first listed in
I will remain as a non-executive Director on the Board and continue to be closely involved with the Company. I currently have no intention to reduce my shareholding.
The Board of Kazakhmys has proven to be a strong and positive guiding force for the Group and I think this change will be a further improvement.