Ukrgasbank Made Record Profit
OREANDA-NEWS. May 4, 2012. Net profit of Ukrgasbank for the three months ended 31.03.2012 made UAH 94.5 million under Ukrainian Accounting Standards. This is an absolute record for the 18-year history of the bank compared to a respective period in the previous years.
Assets of the bank made UAH 19.4 billion as of 01 April 2012 showing an increase of 7% or UAH 1.2 billion since YE2011.
Loan portfolio totaled UAH 11.6 billion as of 01 April 2012, of which corporate loans made UAH 9.2 billion and retail loans — UAH 2.4 billion.
Amounts due to corporate customers increased by UAH 747 million or 61% for the reporting period totaling UAH 2 billion.
Amounts due to retail customers increased by UAH 244 million or 6% since year end reaching UAH 4.5 billion.
Shareholders’ equity increased by UAH 91 million in the reporting period and totaled UAH 2.9 billion.
ROA was 2.12% and ROE – 13.3% as of 1 April 2012.
“The record we set does not mean that we have reached a top in our development. On the contrary, we have only started realizing our potential laid by the approved development strategy. It is a strategy of the nation-wide universal bank with strong positions in corporate and retail markets, in SME lending, card-issuing business, etc. Our short-term objective is to grow in all market segments we are present, to grow faster than the market. That is, actually, what we have achieved in 2011“ — commented Mr Segii Mamedov, Ukrgasbank Chairman of the Board.
For reference: loan portfolio of the bank increased by 70% in 2011 compared to a year before. It was the highest growth rate in the banking system of Ukraine. The Ukrainian government also injected additional UAH 4.3 billion in the capital of the bank increasing share capital to UAH 10 billion and the government share to 93%.
Ukrgasbank ranked 16th by assets in the Ukrainian Market and 5th — by capital as of 22.04.2012. Its nation-wide sales network consists of 243 outlets, 575 own ATMs, 986 in-house and retail POS terminals and self-service kiosks.