ONGC Approves 600.17 Crore Investment Proposal for Development
OREANDA-NEWS. April 26, 2012. ONGC Board in Meeting held on April 25, 2012 has approved investment proposal for Development of Western Periphery as a part of Mumbai High South Field, Phase III Redevelopment, at an estimated cost of 600.17 Crore. The project, scheduled to be completed by December 2014, is expected to result in incremental production of 1.031MMt of oil and 213.817 MMm3 of gas by March 2030. The project envisages installation of one 12 slot four-legged unmanned platform, drilling of 10 wells and associated modifications and pipelines for well fluid, gas lift and water injection.
It may be noted that Phase-I of the Redevelopment project which was completed in 2007 helped significantly arrest the decline in production and increased it from level of 131,400 bopd in June 2001 to 173,000 bopd by beginning of 2007. The phase -II which was launched after the completion of Phase-I to further improve the recovery factor is in advance stage of completion and is expected to improve oil recovery to 34.5% by March 2030.
Since the last Board meeting four discoveries have been notified by ONGC.
New Prospect Discoveries:
Phulani # 1: Merapani PEL, A&AA Basin:
Exploratory well Phulani # 1 in Merapani PEL of Assam & Assam Arakan Basin was drilled to a depth of 2730m. On testing, the interval 2596 – 2598.5 m in Sylhet formation produced oil @ 76.8 m3/day through 6mm bean. API gravity of the oil was 29.100.
The well Phulani prospect is situated at a distance of about 20 km south east of Golaghat Town in Golaghat District of Assam.
Koravaka #1: Advipalem – Poonamanda PML, KG Onland Basin:
Exploratory well Koravaka # 1 in Advipalem – Poonamanda PML of KG Onland Basin was drilled to a depth of 3886m. On testing, the interval 3720.5 – 3724.5 m in Vadaparu Formation produced oil @ 15 m3/day and gas @ 39408 m3/day through 6mm bean.
Koravaka prospect is situated 20 km south of Amalapuram town in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh.
New Pool Discoveries:
North Kovilkalappal # 3, L-II PEL, Cauvery Onland basin:
Exploratory well NKK # 3 in L-II PEL of Cauvery onland basin, situated about 20 Km south east of Manargudi town in Thiruvarur district of Tamil Nadu, was drilled to a depth of 2671 m. On testing the interval 2135 – 2145m in Andimadam formation produced oil @ 80 m3/day and gas @ 10000 m3/day through 6 mm bean.
C-39-14, BOFF-1,2,3 PEL, Western Offshore Basin:
Exploratory well C-39#14 in BOFF-1,2,3 PEL, Western Offshore Basin, located about 70 km north west of Daman land Fall point and about 25 Km north west of well C-39-1, was drilled to a depth of 2138m. On testing interval 1917-1915, 1914-1913 and 1912-1910 m in Mahuva Formation produced oil @ 294 bbls/day and gas @ 94900 m3/day.