KAMAZ Welcomes Representative Delegation of Heads of Tatarstan
OREANDA-NEWS. April 19, 2012. Today KAMAZ welcomes a representative delegation of the heads of Tatarstan’s municipalities. The purpose of their visit is to see lean manufacturing principles on the example of the Production System KAMAZ (PSK).
At first, the guests visited offices of the general directorate of the Kama auto giant – the Accounting Department and the Economic Security Department of OJSC KAMAZ. At the automobile plant, they visited the main assembly line, a training and production classroom, a Kaizen classroom, storehouses, and shops of the auto giant.
The results of the visit will be summed up in the afternoon at the Executive Directorate of the company where the guests will be welcomed by Yury Klochkov, First Deputy Director General of OJSC KAMAZ, CEO. Presentations will be made by Mikhail Nosov, Director of the Center of Information and Communication Technologies of OJSC KAMAZ, ("Integration of IT and Lean Technologies”) and Igor Medvedev, Chairman of the Committee for the Development the Production System of OJSC KAMAZ, (Principles of Lean Manufacturing on the Example of the Production System of OJSC KAMAZ).
The Production System of KAMAZ is considered the best system in Russia. According to Yury Klochkov, the most important thing is a large number of people implementing this system and showing an example of a completely different attitude to work. "We have seen a transition from quantity to quality, a great change in KAMAZ employees’ minds,” he said. “The development of the PSK leads to positive changes. 10 years ago, lean production came to Russia. Auto makers and other entrepreneurs, including bankers, from other cities, visit KAMAZ to learn, adopt our practices, technology, organization. And they recognize our leadership. We can be proud of it."