OREANDA-NEWS.  April 19, 2012.Ukraine is studying the possibility of cancellation of the moratorium on the sale of drugs via online pharmacies in Ukraine. This was started by the head of the State Service of Ukraine for medicines Oleksiy Solovyov at a press briefing in the Cabinet of Ministers building.

"We are studying the issue of cancellation of the moratorium on the realization via online pharmacies, but we have to develop stringent licensing requirements for these entities" - he said, adding that positive experience to emulate is the experience of Denmark. In this country officially operate until 5 sites to provide services for the sale of drugs, and the activities of such sites and warehouses that store drugs are tightly controlled by the state.

Oleksiy Solovyov said that the moratorium on the activities of Internet pharmacies have been taken to prevent potential harm to public health because the state is unable to control the activities of these pharmacies, which typically operate without official addresses, without disclosure of information on suppliers of medicines, etc.