Azerbaijan Introduces Seismological Monitoring of Oil and Gas Fields
OREANDA-NEWS. April 17, 2012. The Republican Center of Seismological Service of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan is to install this year three undersea seismic stations for the first time in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea.
Center’s director Gurban Yetirmishli informs that it will give an opportunity to study earthquakes occurring in the sea. These stations will soon be installed at fields Umid, Shah Deniz and Azeri, and in the future expansion of the network of underwater seismic stations is provided.
New telemetric seismic stations will enable to record seismic tremors in real time, study the parameters of earthquake sources, determine the potential effect of aftershocks, seismicity of areas at which exploration is planned and ensure seismic stability of oil platforms and drilling rigs, promptly evaluate seismic changes in the various parts of the country.
The seismological center informs that geochemical and geophysical surveys are also conducted along with the seismological research. Currently the Center is buying and installing modern equipment to improve the quality of work in these directions. Since this year by using GPS stations the Seismological Centre intends to expand geophysical surveys.