Krasny Kotelshchik Dispatches Equipment for Cherepetskaya SDP
OREANDA-NEWS. April 13, 2012. TKZ Krasny Kotelshchik PJSC (main production asset of EMAlliance PJSC) has dispatched six high-pressure heaters PV-775, fast acting protection devices and spare parts for Cherepetskaya SDPP (affiliate of WGC-3 JSC). The total weight of the equipment is about 350 tons.
Under the terms of a contract signed in July 2011, EMAlliance undertook to supply high-pressure heaters, fast-acting protection devices for the heaters and spare parts for a high-pressure recovery system of two power units at Cherepetskaya SDPP. This equipment has been designed by the Taganrog Engineering Centre belonging to EMAlliance PJSC. The high-pressure heaters have been manufactured at Taganrog Boiler-Making Works Krasny Kotelshchik PJSC, the main production site of EMAlliance PJSC.
PV-775 is production run equipment produced by the Taganrog Boiler-Making Works. Due to the customer requirements it has become necessary to modify the design of the heaters intended to be installed at Cherepetskaya SDPP. The decision to change the flange connector configuration and to reinforce housing elements has been made after a series of thermohydraulic and strength calculations, alignment of the heater design with the general contractor and customer. Steam cooling areas have been added to two of the six high-pressure heaters. These changes are going to ensure the equipment operation at higher parameters of operating medum.
The high-pressure heaters are to be installed into the regeneration circuit of the turbine equipment at Cherepetskaya SDPP. The new equipment is designed to enhance the cycle efficiency.