OREANDA-NEWS. April 13, 2012. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter – the “AGM”) of OJSC LSR Group (LSE: LSRG; MICEX: LSRG) (hereinafter – “LSR Group” or the “Company”) was held, reported the press-centre of LSR Group.

The AGM approved the Annual report of OJSC LSR Group for 2011, prepared in accordance with FFMS requirements and financial statements for 2011 based on Russian Financial Reporting Standards (RFRS). The Shareholders Meeting also elected the Board of Directors, consisting of 9 members (including 3 independent directors):

1. Dmitri Gontcharov

2. Elena Tumanova

3. Igor Levit

4. Ilgiz Valitov

5. Kirill Androsov

6. Mark Temkin

7. Mikhail Romanov

8. Olga Sheikina

9. Sergey Skaterschikov
The AGM decided to pay out dividends based on the results of 2011 financial year amounting to RUB 20 per ordinary share. Thus, the total amount of dividends is RUB 2,060,604,300 to be paid up to and including June, 3, 2012 by postal transfer or settlement account transfer.
The AGM approved CJSC KPMG as auditor of the Company’s IFRS-based consolidated financial statements for 2012, and CJSC Audit-Servis as auditor of financial statements based on the Russian Accounting Standards.
The Shareholders also approved the revised Charter of OJSC LSR Group, revised Regulations on the Board of Directors and revised Regulations on the Executive Committee as well as a number of transactions.
The newly-elected Board of Directors of LSR Group re-elected Igor Levit as Chairman of the Board, and also elected the members of the Board committees as follows:

Audit Committee:

- Mark Temkin - Chairman.

- Kirill Androsov

- Igor Levit
Human Resources and Compensations Committee:

- Kirill Androsov - Chairman.

- Igor Levit

- Mark Temkin
Strategy and Investments Committee:

- Igor Levit -  Chairman.

- Kirill Androsov

- Mikhail Romanov

- Elena Tumanova
In addition, the Board of Directors elected the following members of the Executive Committee:

1. Alexander Vakhmistrov, Chief Executive Officer - Chairman of the Executive Committee.

2. Elena Tumanova, Managing Director.

3. Dmitry Kutuzov, Chief Financial Officer.

4. Vladimir Loginov, Chief Legal Officer.

5. Ivan Romanov, Managing Director.

6. Kliment Falaleev, Managing Director.

7. Vladimir Chernyaev, Managing Director of Construction. North-West Business Unit.

8. Dmitry Khodkevich, Managing Director of Real Estate. North-West Business Unit.

9. Vasily Kostritsa, Managing Director of Aggregates & Ready-mix Concrete. North-West Business Unit.

10. Lev Vinnik, Head of Project Management  Business Unit.
Biographies of the Board of Directors members are available at:

Biographies of the Executive Committee members are available at:

Statement of a material fact “On holding general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer and its decisions” is available at: