OREANDA-NEWS. April 11, 2012. The team led by Alexander Avkhimovich at Terminal No.3 (managed by Pavel Alexandrovich Lanbamin) of Krasnoyarskaya mine (with Sergei Alexandrovich Khoroshilov as the director) hit the company's record in development of mine workings.
March, the crew developed 599 meters of mine workings using KP 21 shearer. This is a new record of the colliery. Within the past six months - October 2011 till March 2012 - the sinkers have mined 2,322 metres achieving the record of the whole Siberian Coal Energy Company for this type of shearer. According to the half-year results A. Avkhimovich's team successfully fulfilled their commitments made at a session of the SUEK-Kuzbass' vocational club "Prokhodchik" (Sinker). And will be presented with a FORD Focus as the prize under the contract.
Congratulating the sinkers on the high achievements, S. A. Khoroshilov, the director of Krasnoyarskaya mine said at the celebratory meeting that fast metres were vital for the company's steady development. The recently commissioned new DBT shearer (Germany) helps the miners to output more than 300,000 tonnes of coal. The sinking rate should be increased to have the working face front restored in due time. A. Avkhimovich's team set a persuasive example of well arranged, highly productive performance.