Zavodoukovskagrostroi, SK SMU-1 Conspired Taking Part in Open Auction
OREANDA-NEWS. April 10, 2012. Tyumen Regional Arbitration Court upheld a decision made by the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the Tyumen Region (Tyumen OFAS Russia), reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.
“Zavodoukovskagrostroi” CJSC and “SK SMU-1” Ltd. (“Zagros” CJSC) violated the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition” by exercising competition-restricting concerted actions taking part in an open auction (in breach of Part 1 Article 11 the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”).
OFAS received a petition from Uvatsky Regional District Prosecutor’s Office suspecting that participants of the open auction for construction-and-assembly works at “Indoor Hockey Court in Uvat Village” exercised concerted actions that resulted in maintaining prices at the auction.
Tyumen OFAS Russia established the following: “Zavodoukovskagrostroi” CJSC and “SK SMU-1” Ltd. concluded a subcontract agreement simultaneously with a municipal contract for all works, which shows that “Zagros” CJSC knew in advance that all works on the construction site would be carried out by “SK SMU-1” Ltd. under the subcontract agreement, in return for its passive participation in the auction.
Such actions of economic entities do not facilitate competitive prices, which result in minimum saving of budgetary funds, as well as eliminating competition на торгах”, pointed out the Head of Tyumen OFAS Russia, Dmitry Shalabodov.