OREANDA-NEWS. April 06, 2012. Russian airlines AK BARS AERO introduced flight Saint Petersburg –Vilnius. The flight will be performed twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays by the comfortable aircraft Bombardier CRJ 200. Departures from St. Petersburg at 10:30, arrivals to Vilnius at 10:50 local time.
Representatives of Northern Capital Gateway LLC and as well AK BARS AERO CEO took part in grand welcome of the pioneer flight.
The ceremony was opened with a honoring of the first checked-in passenger - Elius Romanovas, well-known Lithuanian music producer, coming back to Vilnius after jury of X International Competition for Children’s Pop Song “Little Stars” that took place in Saint Petersburg in March 01-26, 2012. Sir Romanovas was gifted with keepsake from the Airport.
“We are sure that new destination will be rather popular both among Saint Petersburg and Vilnius citizens and definitely it will help to strengthen cultural and business relations of two magnificent European cities” – said Yaroslav Zubilov Head of GR NCG LLC.
"Launch of international flight Saint Petersburg –Vilnius is not just a strategic project but as well an important sociocultural task. Direct connection between Northern Capital of Russian and Baltic States pearl let us consolidate and enlarge business and tourist relations of our countries" - noted Petr Trubaev CEO of AK BARS AERO JSC.