OREANDA-NEWS. April 04, 2012. According to the National Commission on Financial Market, the biggest volume of the insurance premiums fell to the general insurance and made 93,4% (940,8 mln. leis), with 6,5% (65,5 mln. leis) falling to the life insurance.

In the structure of premiums collected within the general insurance the motor vehicle liability insurance is dominant and makes up 47,3% (445,26 mln. leis). It includes 229,7 mln. leis of the Motor Third-Party Liability and 190,9 mln. leis of the Green Card insurance.

CASCO premiums made up 192,6 mln. leis, that is 20,4%, in the structure of general insurance. As compared with 2010, the motor vehicle liability insurance premiums grew 8,7%, including 6,4% of the Motor Third-Party Liability and 11,9% of the Green Card.

Receipts from CASCO increased 9,2%. Since the beginning of the year, insurance companies attracted premiums in fire and natural calamities insurance at a sum of 91,56 mln. leis (+7,9%); air civil liability in a sum of 50,9 mln. leis (+76,1%), health insurance at a sum of 50,5 mln. leis (+11,2%), including 21,1 mln. in the internal health insurance; aircraft insurance at a sum of 37,12 mln. leis (-4%); financial losses at a sum of 4,59 mln. leis (2,9 times less), etc. leaders by premiums collected were Moldasig – 281,9 mln. leis, Asito – 156,4 mln. leis, Grawe Carat Asigurari – 115,63 mln. leis, Moldcargo – 94,7 mln. leis, Donaris-Group – 84,4 mln. leis. these companies occupied 72,8% of the market.

About 51% of clients are individuals, with the rest 43% being non-financial organizations.