OREANDA-NEWS. April 03, 2012. NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced today that it has rebranded its on-line storage services for corporate clients as the Biz Storage series, effective immediately, and upgraded these services with folder management, smartphone support and conveniences for customers with global operations.

The formerly named service Biz Storage is now Biz Storage File Server. A newly added feature for folder management enables the customer to maximize server-resource efficiency by setting limits on storage size and access permission for individual folders, as well as setting up automatic alerts when folders reach their storage limits. There is no extra charge to use this new feature, but existing users need to reapply to begin using it.

The newly renamed Biz Storage File Share, formerly called Share Stage ASP Service, now offers convenient access via smartphones for easy browsing and downloading via a device-optimized browser screen. No additional application or charge is required.

And finally, V-Pack has been rebranded as Biz Storage File Transfer. The upgraded service now offers an option for high-speed Internet transfers of large files between Japan and China via a new server in Hong Kong, dramatically cutting transfer times to a mere 1/100th of current transfers. The new option costs 50,000 yen for initial setup and from 10,000 yen monthly for two IDs. Separate application is required, including for existing customers. Going forward, NTT Com plans to expand Biz Storage File Transfer to other countries currently limited to relatively slow transfers via the Internet.