Magnit Announces Results of BOD Meeting
OREANDA-NEWS. April 03, 2012. OJSC "Magnit" (the "Company", "Issuer"; MICEX and LSE: MGNT) is pleased to announce the results of the BOD meeting held on March 26, 2012.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
We would like to inform you that the BOD meeting was held on March 26, 2012 (minutes of BOD of OJSC "Magnit" are w/o No. of March 26, 2012). The meeting agenda:
Approval of the related party transaction,
Determination of business priorities of OJSC "Magnit",
Determination of the position of the OJSC "Magnit" representative at the exercise of the voting right on the JSC "Tander" shares owned by the Company,
On early termination of appointment of the collegial executive body (Management Board) member of OJSC "Magnit",
On election of the collegial executive body (Management Board) member of OJSC "Magnit".
The following BOD members were present: A. Arutyunyan, V. Butenko, A. Shkhachemukov.
S. Galitskiy, K. Pombukhchan, A. Zayonts and A. Makhnev provided their written opinions on the items of the agenda of the BOD meeting of OJSC "Magnit".
The number of the BOD members participated in the meeting, including written opinions of
than half of the number of the BOD members determined by the Charter of the Company.
Quorum to hold the BOD meeting with this agenda is present.
On the items 1 of the agenda: Votes cast is as follows:
A. Arutyunyan - "abstained from voting", V. Butenko - "for", S. Galitskiy - "abstained from voting", A. Zayonts - "for", A. Makhnev - "for", K. Pombukhchan - "abstained from voting", A. Shkhachemukov - "for". The decision is made.
On the items 2-5 of the agenda: Votes cast is as follows:
A. Arutyunyan - "for", V. Butenko - "for", S. Galitskiy - "for", A. Zayonts - "for", A. Makhnev - "for", K. Pombukhchan - "for", A. Shkhachemukov - "for". The decision is made.
Content of decisions:
On the item 1 of the agenda:
"To approve the transaction which the company plans to execute in future with JSC "Tander" and which is the related party transaction with the following essentials:
parties of the transaction: Lessor - OJSC "Magnit", Lessee - JSC "Tander";
subject of the transaction: The Lessor shall provide the following to the Lessee at a fee for temporary possession and use:
real property - store, purpose: non-residential, single-storeyed, total space
power receivers: cable line 0.4 kv (relaid) outgoing from a Distribution device 0.4 kv TP-254 (T-2 section)-Input Distribution device of the store - all internal electrical power networks and electrical equipment of the store, energy accounting meter.
lease fee: 448,400 (four hundred and forty eight thousand four hundred) rubles, incl. VAT;
leasing period: 10 (ten) years.
The price of the property to the possible disposal of which the transaction is related shall not exceed 2% of the balance sheet assets value of the company determined on the basis of the accounting statement for the last reporting period".
On the item 2 of the agenda:
"To determine business priorities of OJSC "Magnit" by means of approval of the Prospects of financing and operating activities of the Company over the year 2012, the 1st quarter of 2012, the 2nd quarter of 2012".
On the item 3 of the agenda:
"To recommend that the sole executive body of OJSC "Magnit" which is the only JSC "Tander" shareholder should make the following decision at the exercise of the voting right on the JSC "Tander" shares owned by the Company":
"1. To approve the annual report, annual accounting reports, including profit and loss statements of JSC "Tander" over the year 2011, as well as profit and loss distribution of JSC "Tander" according to 2011 financial year results.
To pay dividends on ordinary registered shares of JSC "Tander" in the amount of 277,200,000 rubles which is 0.02772 ruble per one ordinary registered share by transfer of monetary funds to the settlement account of the corresponding shareholder within 60 days from the day of the decision on dividends payment. Not to pay remuneration to members of the JSC "Tander" Revision commission. To forward undistributed net profit to expansion of the Company.
To elect
Roman Efimenko;
Anzhela Udovichenko;
Denis Fedotov
to the JSC "Tander" Revision commission.
To approve "Faber Leks" Audit Limited Liability Company (Taxpayer Id. Number 2308052975) as the auditor of the joint-stock company "Tander" according to the Russian accounting standards.
To approve the service fee of the auditor of "Faber Leks" Audit Limited Liability Company in the amount of not exceeding 5,000,000 (five million) rubles excl. VAT." On the item 4 of the agenda:
"To terminate the appointment of Aleksandr Pisarenko, member of the OJSC "Magnit" Management Board, in advance on March 26, 2012." On the item 5 of the agenda:
"To elect Lyubov Shaguch as a member of the OJSC "Magnit" Management Board from March 27, 2012".