TGC-1 BoD Approved List of Candidates to Board of Directors
OREANDA-NEWS. March 23, 2012. The TGC-1’s Board of Directors approved a list of candidates to the Company’s Board of Directors to be voted for at the Annual General Shareholder Meeting.
It was decided to add the following candidates to the list:
1. Irina Grave - Vice President, Fortum Corporation, Mergers and Acquisitions;
2. Kari Kautinen — Vice President, Fortum Corporation, Mergers and Acquisitions;
3. Alexander Chuvaev — Executive Vice-President; Board member, Fortum Corporation; President of Russian Division of Fortum Corporation; General Director, JSC Fortum;
4. Anatoly Gavrilenko — General Director, CJSC LEADER;
5. Andrey Drachuk — Director for Corporate Governance, JSC SO UES;
6. Alexander Dushko — Deputy Head, Finance and Economy Department, JSC Gazprom;
7. Valentin Kazachenkov — General Director, CJSC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz St.Petersburg;
8. Vladimir Kukushkin — Deputy Chairman, Energy and Engineering Committee of St.Petersburg Administration;
9. Alexey Mityushov – General Director, JSC OGK-2;
10. Kirill Seleznev – Board Member, Head, Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons Processing and Marketing, JSC Gazprom;
11. Denis Fedorov – General Director, JSC Centrenergoholding; General Director of LLC Gazprom Energoholding;
12. Andrey Filippov – General Director, JSC TGC-1;
13. Mikhail Khodurskiy — Deputy General Director for Economy and Finance, LLC Gazprom Energoholding;
14. Pavel Shatskiy — First Deputy General Director, LLC Gazprom Energoholding.
A list of candidates to the Audit Committee was approved:
1. Irja Taimi Tuulikki Vekkila – Senior Manager, Fortum Corporation, Mergers and Acquisitions;
2. Svetlana Dascheschak — Chief Economist, Organizational Management Division, Internal Audit Department, Management Board Administration, JSC Gazprom;
3. Eugeny Zemlyanoy — Head of Electricity Marketing Division, Electricity Sector Development and Marketing, JSC Gazprom;
4. Vitaly Kovalev — Deputy Head of Department, Head of Organizational Management Division, Internal Audit Department, Management Board Administration, JSC Gazprom;
Yury Linovitsky – Deputy Head, Internal Audit Department, LLC Gazprom Energoholding.