Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg and RZhD Demonstrate Interaction
OREANDA-NEWS. March 22, 2012. Telephone conference of JSC “RZhD” on interaction with the ports of Russia took place. Employees of JSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg” took part in this conference.
During conference the participants discussed measures to increase the efficiency of interaction between all players of the transportation process, including reasons and possible solutions of the problems related to demurrage of railcars with export cargoes on approach railway tracks to the ports.
Head of the conference, the first vice-president of JSC “RZhD” Vadim Morozov, mentioned railway station “New Port” as the positive example. At this station due to cooperation between the workers of October Railway Road and “SP of SPb” the performance indicators of handling of railcars are increasing. In particular, in January-February of 2012 the amount of handled railway rolling stocks increased by 40% at the station and by 60% in general in comparison with the previous year.
In 2011 within the programme on modernization of the port infrastructure “SP of SPb” modernized its fleet of handling equipment, i.e. 2 mobile Liebherr cranes with lifting capacity up to 140 tons were purchased. Besides full reconstruction of railway tracks at the first and the second cargo areas of the port was performed. It allowed to increase throughput capacity of station “New Port” by 250 railcars per months and to secure continuous traffic.